Congress explanation that it was sold at 2001 prices so that increase in teledensity and benefitting the masses and PMs ridiculous statement on the Subsidies is all crap and will not hold in the matter of law. Because within 6 months of buying the licenses the Corporates sold the licenses for 8-10 times the original price and we are to believe that there are no kickbacks. even in that case the spectrum pricing for the end company who is going to provide service to the masses is already at 8-10 times the price for which the consumer has to pay , add to that the Operational costs of the company and his profit margin , its easily 20-25 times the original price which is about 32000 Crore. and it was sold for 1650 crore. This is the purported loss claimed by the CBI that the loss is 30,000 Crore. If there are kickbacks, add that to the Investment made by the companies to bypass the routes and jump the queue, that would mean we are talking about 33% taxes, commission fee atleast by Ruling party , regional party, Highest minister , and all the people along the chain which would then become atleast 50,000-60,000 crore. This is just the illegal worth of the spectrum through common sense , not even speculation since 8-10 times reselling clearly sets the benchmark of the whole value of the scam.
On top we have the 3 components, the entry fee, one time spectrum charge and the royalty charges that is annual
Royalty are percentages of the original price for the rest of the life of the license
The whole scams numbers keep going up just by bringing in all factors which constitute the overall cost
CAG also brought into the angle a fair component of including the Comptetion since it is a very scarce resource and india has 250 Million Cell phone users.Its not necessary that Tariffs should go high in the age of Advertisement business where 250 Million Subscriber base and each ad could bring in millions over the month.So the CAG assesement is fair mathematical assesement and govt. cannot digest the numbers reported publicly since their Image has taken a heavy beatingand their days are numbered if thorough probe is done by SC
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