Thursday 5 February 2015

PM Modi , #DelhiPoll RogueDilliMedia

Last 8 months of Narendra Modi as a bjp supporter and Seeing #DelhiPoll from the those Eyes
  • Kiran Bedi has swung the polarization of women voters towards Bjp which will tip the election.
  • If Bjp does not win Delhi, expect everyday nuisance and risk to national security.
  • Modi Bjp will pay the price for not prosecuting the corrupt Congress, their bastard kids Rogue #Newstraders and Anti national #Kejriwal under the fear of vendetta politics.
  • People like @Arunjaitley are the real risk for undermining Bjp from within.
For the sake of India and hope 
 Bjp 36-45 Aap – 21-30 Others - 4-6

Pre 2013 Sep - Narendra Modi, the Guj CM
#AntiCorruption - Sonia led Scams and 2g , the anger against 10 years of congress
·         One of the real platforms on which Modi got the votes of the people was the consolidation of the peoples anger against Congress specifically Sonia-MMS #loot4all government and their arrogance in whitewashing using burqa of secularism
·         Real hero in 2010-2011 was SubramaniumSwamy after which Swami BabaRamdev started the Blackmoney andolan.This was diverted and hijacked by Team Anna with active support of Dilli #NewsTraders
·         In this back ground Modi offered a new politics of development and governance showcasing the Guj model of 24*7 electricity especially development on the agricultural side with preservation of the water table.
#Sep 2013- May 2014,Modi the PM Candidate
Modi Election Campaign and promises
·         Modi targetted Shehazade for ABCD of Scams
·         Modi promised jobs and electricity
·         Agricultural growth through Interlinking rivers, per drop more crop
·         Disastrous policies like RTE,MNREGA had wrecked the prices of Rural economy
·         Idea of strong person dealing sincerely to bring back #Blackmoney, many SM strongly believe in the ideas of Swamy with zero taxation, complete auctioning of resources and total private public opening of policies
·         Policies like AADHAR and Direct Cash Transfer were viewed with tremendous outrage
·         Modi painted as the villain by the #DilliMedia and voters anger against blatant anti Hindu media had to be paid back with interest.
·        Modi promises special court to close all cases against MPs. 
#Post May 16 2014 - PM Modi
Significant Events
·         SIT Formed for Black money on First day
·         Arun Jaitley is the Finance Minister No Swamy in the cabinet
 # No Arun shourie , Smriti Irani gets HRD, Prakash Javdekar Env
·         Social media unhappy that weak persons occupy high chair and Merit not considered
·         SM enthusiasm for Modi bjp comes down
·         National Herald case blocked and Arun Jaitley offers advice
·         Black money as a tax issue inspite of Modi words seems like betrayal
·         U Turns on Chinese Henderson war report, no action on domestic agricultural policies
·         No action against the #Newstraders, they are emboldened as they see no harm from bjp
·         Arun Jaitley as I&B minister poses with NDTV , Social media fans further enraged as Rajdeep Sardesaiget book released by every Bjp min
·         But for Modi and Amit Shah proximity with DilliMedia sinks credibility of every1 except Modi-Shah who riseand rise
·         # Aadhar revived , MNREGA not revoked Status unknown and Direct Cash transfer remodelled as jan Dhan yojana(How many are benefitted , no one knows)
·         No action on Agriculture or domestic policies

·         Positive - No news of SCAMS, wrongdoing all smooth but fundamental change as expected especially on prosecuting the Corrupt. This public anger has not been released is latent.

·         Biggest Negative - DilliMedia not contained still very rogue working anti national and openly
Modi was not just voted for development but also for Prosecuting the Corrupt and #NewsTraders
+ Master stroke with Foreign policy, Indias pride increases
+ Make in India launced , Swachh Bharat launched, Clean Ganga launched, but no impact for
common man on any of the above in the shorter term
+ Delhi Bureacracy vs Modi
+ Action against NGOs very very heartening
+ Bureacrats given the whip by Modito get in line
+ Self attestation of forms helps so much
+ Corporates told to build girl toilets as CSR not visible outside but masterstroke
Biggest of all : Reducing the Petrol-Diesel prices by more than  20% impact of which is largely underestimated.
Nothing done against the Muslims which makes it difficult for consolidation and fear of riots in the minority community settled for time being

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Ein Rassist ist Indiens Hoffnung

Disclaimer : This is a verbatim thats published here as it appeared. the Blog author is against the views stated here and raising a petition against it.

Nürnberger Nachrichten vom 04.04.2014, S. 4 / POLITIK
Ein Rassist ist Indiens Hoffnung
Hindu-Fundamentalist Modi könnte die Wahlen gewinnen

Wenn dieses Land wählt, dann ist das jedes Mal ein Unternehmen der Superlative: Indien, die größte Demokratie der Welt, geht ab kommenden Montag zu den Urnen. Bis zum 12. Mai sollen 815 Millionen Wahlberechtigte ihre Stimmen abgegeben haben - und der Gandhi-Klan könnte dabei mächtig Federn lassen müssen.
NEU DELHI - Jahrelang galt in Indien der Grundsatz: was das Oberkommando will, das wird gemacht. Das Oberkommando ist weiblich, wohnt an einer der besten Adressen in Neu Delhi und zieht alle Strippen aus dem Hintergrund. Das Oberkommando, so katzbuckelnd genannt von den Funktionären der regierenden Congress-Partei, heißt Sonia Gandhi. Sie, die Ausländerin, die italienische Schwiegertochter Indira Gandhis, die Witwe von Indiras Sohn Rajiv war jahrelang die mächtigste Frau Indiens.
Doch die beispiellose Karriere, die begann, als sie die von zahlreichen Schüssen getroffene Indira Gandhi in ihrem Schoß bettete, scheint nun vorbei zu sein. Alle Umfragen deuten darauf hin, dass der Kongress, diese Partei des Freiheitskampfes, die Partei Mahatma Gandhis, Nehrus und seiner Tochter Indira, diese Partei, die fast ein Synonym für Indien war, einer katastrophalen Niederlage entgegengeht.
Milde Medien
Der neue Star am indischen Polithimmel heißt Narendra Modi. Er ist ein rechtspopulistischer Macher, ein Volkstribun mit diktatorischen Zügen, der den Leuten Jobs und Wohlstand verspricht, ein Mann, der polarisiert wie kein Zweiter und der dennoch zum großen Hoffnungsträger geworden ist. Die Zeitungen, die ihn vor kurzem noch als gefährlichen Extremisten, manche gar als Faschisten beschrieben, gehen inzwischen auffallend milde mit ihm um.
Das Ende der Dynastie Nehru/Gandhi scheint besiegelt. Die Enttäuschung über den Klan ist abgrundtief. Die letzten fünf Jahre waren Jahre des absoluten Stillstands. Die Reformen der frühen neunziger Jahre, die Indien schon in die Liga einer Weltmacht zu katapultieren schienen, sind versandet, Chancen für Aufstieg und Veränderung wurden im Keim erstickt, die staatlichen Institutionen funktionieren nicht mehr.
Stattdessen überall Korruption und Betrug in schier unvorstellbarem Ausmaß. Sinkende Wachstumsraten, steigende Preise, Abwärtstrend in allen Bereichen. Die Leute haben die bisherige Politik gründlich satt. Niemand hat gewagt, dem Niedergang der Kongress-Partei Einhalt zu gebieten, weil kein Kongress-Politiker sich traute, dem Oberkommando zu widersprechen. Auch Rahul nicht, der 43-jährige Sohn Sonias und von ihr zum Thronerben bestimmt.
Rahul ist ein netter Kerl, aber gewiss kein Überflieger. Fast wirkt er wie ein Amateur-Politiker. Den Job als Premierminister, den die Partei ihm schon vor fünf Jahren angeboten hat, strebt er eigentlich nicht an. Da ähnelt er seinem Vater Rajiv, der nach der Ermordung Indira Gandhis nur genötigt dieses Amt antrat - und später ebenfalls ermordet wurde. Selbst altgediente Kongress-Leute erkennen heute: "Die Leute wollen keine schwache Regierung. Sie wollen eine entscheidungsfreudige und entschlossene Führung."
Blühender Staat
Genau das verspricht Narendra Modi. Als Ministerpräsident des Teilstaats Gujarat hat er mit Durchsetzungskraft und Umtriebigkeit sein Land zu einem der Blechstern-Staaten der Union gemacht - und zum Vorbild für den Rest Indiens. Die Wirtschaft will Modi wieder ankurbeln, über 100 Millionen Jobs sollen jährlich geschaffen werden, die Unternehmen will er von den Fesseln der alles hemmenden Bürokratie befreien. "Das Land muss zu schnellem Wachstum zurückkehren, damit wir mit China Schritt halten", sagt er.
Denn, auch das propagiert er, den Hindus gebührt Großes, Indien muss Weltmacht sein. Dies ist die Philosophie der radikal-fundamentalistischen RSS, des ideologischen Arms der Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP = Indische Volkspartei), die den 63-jährigen Modi von früh an geprägt hat. Die Vordenker der RSS, die sich dem Faschismus der deutschen Nationalsozialisten eng verbunden fühlen, haben die Hindutva auf ihre Fahnen geschrieben. Während die Nazis mit der arischen Rasse ihren Anspruch auf Macht und Vorherrschaft begründeten, tun es die Ideologen der RSS mit der Religion des Hinduismus.
Das schürt Ängste bei den Minoritäten in Indien, den 170 Millionen Muslims und den 25 Millionen Christen. Nicht vergessen haben sie die schlimmsten religiösen Unruhen der letzten Zeit, bei denen ein Hindu-Mob 2002 als Vergeltung für einen Angriff auf einen Hindu-Pilgerzug ganze muslimische Stadtviertel in Gujarat in Schutt und Asche legte, Frauen und Kinder vergewaltigte und 1000 Menschen brutal umbrachte - während Modis Polizei ungerührt zuschaute.
Modi weiß, dass es für ihn auf jede Stimme ankommt. Darum gibt er sich ungewöhnlich mild gegenüber den Minoritäten und verzichtet auf die gewohnten Anti-Muslim-Tiraden.
Und da ist noch die Nummer drei im indischen Wahlkampf, Arvind Kejrival, der, seitdem er im Frühjahr mit seiner Aam Admi Party, der "Partei der kleinen Leute" aus dem Stand heraus Regierungschef des Stadtstaates Delhi wurde, wie mit einem Donnerschlag auf der politischen Bühne Indiens erschien.
Zwar hat der 45-Jährige kaum Aussicht, der nächste Premierminister in Indien zu werden, aber er kostet die beiden Hauptkandidaten Stimmen, weil er unter dem Jubel der städtischen Mittelschicht, das sind immerhin 300 Millionen, dem ganzen verrotteten politischen System den Kampf angesagt hat.
Teure Wohltaten
Ob die milliardenschweren Wohltaten, die den Indern noch rechtzeitig vor den Wahlen versprochen wurden, sich in Stimmen für die Kongress-Partei auszahlen, bleibt dahingestellt.
Bildunterschrift: Girlanden für den Favoriten: Narendra Modi (mit gefalteten Händen) könnte die Wahl in Indien für sich entscheiden. Foto: afp

India's hope is a racist - BY GABRIELE VENZKY

Hindu fundamentalist, could win the election modes

If this country elects, which is every time a company of superlatives: India, the largest democracy in the world, goes from next Monday to the polls. Until May 12 815 million eligible voters should have - cast their votes and the Gandhi clan could have this powerful springs.
NEW DELHI--for years the principle was in India: what will the high command, it's done. The high command is female, lives on one of the best addresses in New Delhi and pulls all stripping from the background. High command, is so katzbuckelnd named by the functionaries of the ruling Congress Party, Sonia Gandhi. The most powerful woman India was for many years, the foreigner, the Italian daughter-in-law of Indira Gandhi, the widow of Indira's son Rajiv.
But the unprecedented career, which began when she framed the Indira Gandhi made by numerous shots in her lap, seems to be over now. All polls suggest that the Congress, this party of the freedom struggle, the party of Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru and his daughter Indira, this party, which was almost a synonym for India, coming to a catastrophic defeat.
Mild media
The new star in the Indian political sky is Narendra modes. He is a right-wing populist songwriter, a Tribune of the Plebs with dictatorial trains, promising the people of jobs and prosperity, a man who polarizes like no other and yet has become the great hope. The newspapers, some even as fascists described him recently as dangerous extremists, now strikingly lenient deal with him.
The end of the Nehru/Gandhi dynasty seems sealed. The disappointment about the Klan is abysmal. The last five years were years of absolute standstill. The reforms of the early 1990s, seemed to catapult India already in the League of a world power, are sanded, opportunities for advancement and change have been nipped in the bud, the State institutions will no longer work.
Instead all over corruption and fraud in almost unimaginable extent. Falling growth rates, rising prices, downward trend in all areas. People are thoroughly fed up with the current policy. No one has dared to halt the decline of the Congress Party, because no Congress politician dared to contradict the Supreme command. Even Rahul does not, the 43-year old son of Sonia and intended to be the heir of her.
Rahul is a nice guy, but certainly not a high Achiever. He almost resembles an amateur politician. His actually not seeking the job as Prime Minister, the party has offered him five years ago. Because he resembles his father Rajiv, who just forced took this Office in Indira of Gandhi's - after the assassination and was later murdered. Even veteran Congress-people now recognize: "people want no weak Government. Do you want a joyful decision and decisive leadership."
Flowering state
That promises Narendra modes. As Prime Minister of the Federal State Gujarat he made his country the Union with strength and drive to one of the Tin Star States - and a model for the rest of India. Modes will boost the economy again, over 100 million jobs are to be created every year, he wants to rid all obstructive bureaucracy the company from the shackles. "The country must return to fast growth, so that we keep pace with China", he says.
Because, he propagated the big to the Hindus, India must be world power. This is the philosophy of the radical fundamentalist RSS, the ideological arm of the Bharatiya Janata Party (Indian people's Party BJP), the 63 modes from early on has coined. The pioneers of the RSS, which is the fascism of the Nazi closely associated feel, the Hindutva have written on their flags. While the Nazis justified their claim to power and domination with the Aryan race, the ideologues do the RSS with the religion of Hinduism.
That fuels fears for the minorities in India, the 170 million Muslims and 25 million Christians. They have not forgotten the worst religious riots of the last time, where a Hindu mob in 2002 in retaliation for an attack on a Hindu pilgrimage put entire Muslim neighborhoods in Gujarat in debris and ash, raped women and children and brutally killed people 1000 - while police watched unmoved MODIS.
Modes, knows that it for him on every vote. Therefore, he is unusually mild compared to the minorities and dispenses with the usual anti-Muslim speech.
And there's still the number three in the Indian election campaign, Arvind Kejrival, which seitde

Tuesday 31 December 2013

2014 for Bharatham Divine Rishi Naadi Predictions

Satguruve Saranam ! Santhosham !

Rishi Naadi service is given by a medium (SRThirumalai) who receives Cosmic and Divine messages and gives it extempore. It could be compared to a live palm leaf reading directly reading from Akash. His readings for the last 8 years are experienced to be very very precise. He gets a number for the topic ( person or country or any other entity and gives readings direct)

On 01.01.2014 00:27 hours IST , the intuitive number for Bharatham is 5. This transcript is given in Tamil and translated English version

English Translation
  • Greenery and Prosperity Flourishes
  • Sun rises in the East
  • Water resources will get balanced across nation
  • Those who played politics with water , their mouths will be shut
  • Nation and its people will become more conscious to nationalise the water resources
  • And spiritual leaders will become very good instruments and weapons for such a transformation
  • To go one step further within end of 2014 and beginning of 2015 , plans and implementation in this direction would have already begun
  • Either through Raj Tantra or through a conflict which involves chemicals (possibly weapons ) neighbouring countries of Bharath will get annexed to it
  • Through followers of Islam , India will face a new and a very tricky kind of conflict , this has to be resolved in a very mature and intelligent fashion , a settlement can be reached
  • One of the country top leaders will merge with nature via a problem in blood like cancer
  • A Purush (man) in whose chart 2 Saaya planets in exalted position will lead the country
  • The country shall have good rains
  • Until end of 2014,economic situation of the country will be not so good but the ruling government will bring Nice policies and intentions to the country

    Question : Will there be a stable government ?
  • Astrologically, If the new government formation happens after May 17 , the for sure the government will be stable. If it happens before that it will volatile in the beginning and settle down later

Original Tamil Reading

ரிஷி நாடி - பாரதம் 
எண் : 5

பசுமை மலரும்
கிழக்கிலே சூரியன் பிரகாசத்தோடு உதிக்கும்
நீரின் சமன்பாடு ஏற்படும்
நீருக்காக நீரை அடிப்படையாக வைத்த அரசியில் விளையாடிய (பாலிடிக்ஸ் ப்லே பண்ண) வாய் அடைக்கப்படும் 
இந்த நீரை பொதுமயமாக்கும் விழிப்புணர்வு மக்களிடையே ஏற்படுத்துவது நன்றாக பரவும் 
இந்த பரவுவதற்கு ஆன்மீகவாதிகள் ஒரு மிகச்சிறந்த ஒரு கருவியாக ஆயுதமாக இருப்பார்கள்
 இன்னமும் சொல்ல போனால் 2014 இறுதிக்குள்ளாக  2015 இந்த நீர் சமன்பாடு திட்டங்களும் நடவடிக்கைகளும் துடங்கி விடும்

ஒன்று ராஜதந்திரத்தால் அண்டை நாடுகள் பாரதத்தின் பால் வசப்படும் அல்லது 
ரசாயனத்தின் மூலம் அண்டை நாடுகள் பாரதம் வசப்படுத்தும் சூழ்நிலை உருவாகும்

இஸ்லாமிய இனத்தவரால பாரதத்திற்கு சில புது விதமாான நெருக்கடிகள் ஏற்படலாம் அல்லது அட்சுறுத்தல் இருக்கலாம் , கொஞ்சம் பக்குவமா handle பண்ணா சுமூகம் பண்ணிடலாம் 

நாட்டினுடைய உயர்ந்த தலைவர் ஒருவருக்கு ரத்தத்தில் ஏதோ ஒரு கான்செர் போன்ற  பிரச்னை மூலம் இயற்கையை அடையலாம்

நல்ல இரண்டு சாயா கிரஹங்களை உட்சம் பெற்ற ஒரு ஆண் புருஷன் பாரதத்தை ஆளுகின்ற நிலை

போன்ற வருடத்தை போல பாரதத்திற்கு மழை நன்றாக பொழியும் 

பாரதத்தின் பொருளாதாரம் 2014 வரை ஒரு மாதிரியாகத்தான் இருக்கும் 
அரசாங்கம் ஒரு சில நல்ல முடிவுகளை கொள்கைகளை நிலைகளை மக்களுக்கு  எடுத்து வரும்  

நிலையான அரசாங்கம் உருவாகுமா ?

மே 17 இக்கு மேல் அரசாங்கம் உருவானால் நிச்சயமாக நிலையானதாக இருக்கும் 

அதற்கு முன்பே அரசாங்கம் உருவானால் ஆரம்பத்தில் தொங்கி பின்பு நிலையான நிலை பெரும்

- சந்தோஷம்

Friday 20 December 2013

What Namo as PM means for Tamilnadu and its people

A recent request from a friend on what Narendra Modi means for Tamil nadu and each state

I will quote Narendra Modis general vision in terms of any state and then apply that to specific unique case of Tamilnadu

+ Modi believes in Federal structure and decentralisation , power in Delhi has to be brought to States and from the States to the Districts into the towns and then the cities

+ Modi believes in India with Productive jobs in Agriculture Services and Manafacturing as the 3 main pillars of any economy hence Stable Inter external and caostal security is needed

+ Modi visions in Tourism industry as a vast potential both at the National and State level specific packages set up

+ Modi visions in National River Grid through Interlinked rivers, National Electricity Grid, Local Income Grid

+ Modi vision in encouraging Skill development and small scale enterprises (Number of colleges but creating practical skills ready for industry)

+ Modi has successfully made ports as the hubs of not only State growth but National growth

+ Modis Solar policy which is announced in Delhi manifesto with 10 year Tax free for any business (ADMK has also anounced similar Solar free policies)

What it means for Tamilnadu

+ Tamilnadu biggest problems are Water and Electricity

+ Industry : Since Tamilnadu is also a manafacturing economy with cotton mills textile mills paper mills spare parts manafacturer the need of electricity is more than in most parts of india . Coal blocks are also stuck because of #Coalgate scam of Congress under MMS.Check here

+ The monsoon in Tamilnadu drying up means Water bores in farm fields require more power to draw up the water which has impact on agriculture production

      + One may argue that Electricity is a State subject but looting of the treasurylike DMK gvovernment will not let any body clear this problem in short time but alternate short term solution is to buy power from other states , Central government can provide State subsidies and current congress government does not want to give ADMK either electricity or money so that State parties like DMK ADMK suck up to the center

      + Right now Gujarat produces enough electricity but it cannot reach Tamilnadu as there is no national grid, a national grid will help solve this issue even if local government has no issues  what can be expected from Modi is immediate availability or Electricity infrastructure projects , clearance of Coal Block including Neyveli and other coal mines which are under the central Clearances

+ Nuclear Power : The leftist commnist powers like china and their proxies raise human rights safety issues out of no where as in the Kundankulam project to keep the progress of State and India down. These powers are driven from US Europe China pak Srilanka Axis (these powers will be given basically the middle finger )

 Modi is not given a US visa for 2002 riots but for the fact that he banned Christian conversions by giving Dalits jobs and education especially for girl children under kanya Kelavani scheme. But in 8 years Modi has never sucked upto US , he has made them come to him. We can expect a similar treatment in protecting indian and hence Tamilian interests


+ A ambitious interlinking river project is already in discussions in Bjp manifesto , enriching River and Water based economy, aboundant flood water from the Ganga Brahmaputra must be connected with the dry areas of the south

+ For those who think interlinking is a dream how many know Gujarat has already linked 21 rivers and produced agricultural growth of 10% ? Imagine the water avaiabiity or the Kaveri based farmers

+ Check Speech in Varanasi on Ganga

Small Scale Business / Import Export export and Anti Corruption

+ One of the things Modi cabinet wants to do is to bring black Black money , auction all national resources by opening up market
+ Abolition or great reduction of income tax to Middle class families with salried income and small scale business enterpreneurs given loan and State support
+ Please check with Cotton manafacturers of Tiruppur one whom I met had wanted Modi t be PM because of dreadful Cotton export policy in 2009 which has brought a industral city like Tiruppur on its knees

+ Bringing the Black money back will be one of top priorities as spelled out

National Security and Port Securities

+ Biggest problem of Tamilnadu which the souther indian border and most important economic trade route is the Tamilnadu - Srilankan Strait

+ China and Pakistan by supporting Srilanka has cornered India and hence fisher men are routinely killed to keep a watch on the Coral reef resources

+ With Modi one can expect a NO NONSENSE policy, every indian (be it tamilian or from kashmir including ones like Khobragrade will be defenced)
If Fishermen are killed trade ties with Sri Lanka will be cut and if chinese were play spoil game be rest assured Modi will not budge a inch Full force of INDIAn State will be felt by all nations including Srilnaka China and Pakistan (modi snubbed a visting US delegation because a Indian diplomat in US is humiliated, not because she is diplomat but Indian interests will bed defended)

+  Indian and Tamilian interests in the Indian ocean especially in trade with Chinese goods will increase tremendously.

+ Tamilnadu will get generous Central funds for Port development and national Security

+ Tamilnadu in my opinion will get special status on account of halting the chinese influence in Indian ocean (one of the reasons why Indira Gandhi gave funds to LTTE to get started which went out of control later)


Friday 13 December 2013

Whats Right for India in 2014 ? Modi vs Rest

Yuri Bezmenov (former kgb) speaks on  Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of nations
He was in New Delhi as a Soviet Propogandist in 1968 , New Delhi

The video at the bottom describes kernel of the Communist propaganda which is leading to the Indian resources looted.Jawaharlal nehru was self confessed Soviet Supporter who let Soviet implantation in all the power circles of New Delhi which operates until this day. Wonder why Media Cicrus , political parties and all other forces behave the way do ?

This is aptly explained by MR Venkatesh : Why does NewDelhis elite detest Modis 3D vision ?

and why Aam Aadmi party is new Baby of the Delhi centric #paidmedia

This video puts into place all the methods of Congress, AAP ,SP, JDU, BSP why they cant operate politically without leftist policies and precisely why Modi threatens to uprrot this mediocre left industry

as @mediacrooks here put its its

 Modi vs Rest ,
Right vs left ,

Indian Nationalism vs British Colonialism,
                                Soviet Communism ,
                               American Capitalism
                               Islamic &Christian Fascism

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Namo Digital volunteer draft

Namo Write up

Reasons for supporting Narendra Modi for 2014 , why it is a need rather than a wish

As a NRI I have not had the chance to Vote being in Germany after 26/11 seeing Congress coming back to power and foreign elements under the garb of Pseudo Secularism and Leftist communist media has stifled Indias merit and potential and Indian economy is crumbling, just look at sample numbers.

Disclaimer : At the outset am layman as far as economics are concerned hence the assessment is commonsense not be scrtunised with Economic and static lens but priniciple behind can be scrutinised at any length.

+ In 2006 the value of 1 Euro is INR 53-58 , today it is 80-85 (Went as high as Rs.92)
+ Savings of parents and myself and value of assets have been inflated for no reason by whopping 68%
+ what that means is if family savings was 10 lakhs the value has been reduced to 6.6 Lakhs only. Where is value of rest 3.7 lakhs ?
  Assuming that inflation and growth has 10-13% still where is the 2 Lakhs (20%) ? this has gone to Congress party and its proxies who sustain Political parties in power
+ Never before such a loot of massive Systematic scale has happened
+ Foreign Investors get a direct 10 Rs benefit by this inflation and I feel there is a corruption in every business transaction by Rigging of the Rupee.

Being the Nation with Highest Agricultural capability and Sun for 12 months a year why do we food problems and food inflation ?

Answer : Disastrous soviet model obiediently set up by Nehruvian socialism for making everyone equally Poor. Bar PV Narasimha Rao and Vajpayee
This current Congress UPA is taking India backwards into the Left liberal communist era where Power is one Place and family All resources of the Nation are for select FEW and they do it in the name of Poor. All the Activists of Poverty are very rich ironically

My personal assessment is Narendra Modi is a Singular force whose Vision and politics challenge the very roots of this Indian Slavery He has shown that you can do Good and still be a politician through sheer hard word and power of Self Disclipine. 10 years of unbelievable scrunity and he has sustained it. No other politician can or has stood such scrunity and still convince people at large

+ Foreign Return Economists like ManMohan Singh and P Chidambaram Kapil Sibal are very learned people but they have decided to serve the Rome Mata than Bharath Mata

Assessment : Unless and Until Patriotic Politicians and patriotic people are not in High seats of Power and decision making authority India and Indians cannot find its full potential

Narendra Modi has not learned from the London School of economics or Harvard but with this selfless heart to serve Bharat mata given Vikas as the solution to all the problems (Solar grid idea of covering the canal is brilliant intuitive idea, Vision like Climate Ministry and Job creation through Green Energy industry makes perfect common sense. We already see this influence in the Delhi manifesto and i think learned people are coming through the BJP channel seeing political success)

It has worsened in the last 3 years more so brazenly with loots of corruption. The argument of corruption has been twisted on its head

Congress logic : If I pay 500 rupees for getting my drivers license I cant ask questions of 2g , hello ?

3classes of corruption :

  1. I get a salary of 10 lakhs per year and I play around medical bills and reduce my taxes , thats also black money
  2. A small scale businessman , I cook up books and instead of Actual income being 1 crore i show it as 50 lakhs and then do not pay 30% taxes of 17 lakhs on the rest 50 lakhs , second level of corruption
  3. I am a minister and for sanctioning of the project i take a commission of 30% to sanction a project this is Corruption grade 3, Looting of Public funds from authority of power

We have to deal with the 3rd catgory first according to the 80-20% rule. In case of corrutption it is hardly 1% people eating 99% of money.Catch them prosecute thm
Narendra Modi has said this in this video and Subramanian Swamy might be right guy to go after and get our Black money and all the swindled money which is going to be a very long process

it will ensure no further loot of other domains like Jet- Ethihad Deal  (Aerospace Sector) health Energy Agriculture , Power , ediucation , schemes